Nira Chinese garlic chive (allium tuberosum), open pollination, perenial. 90 days. Wide, flat leaves are attractive and easy to harvest. Mild garlic flavor. Approriate for Zone 5 and 6.
150 seeds/packet.
Planting Instruction
DIRECT SEEDING (recommended): In spring, sow 1/4" deep as soon as the soil warms up. Place 4-6 seeds every 6" or 1-2 seeds per inch. Thin to 2-3 plants every 2-8". Keep free of weeds.
TRANSPLANTING: Start seeds in flats 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Sow several seeds per plug, thinning to 3-4 seedlings per plug. Transplant seedling clusters 2-8" apart in rows 18" apart.